
Collect@Net is an online platform to enable our Collections-only customers to access our debt collections expertise and to monitor the progress of all the collection activities.

Collect@Net works alongside our global IT infrastructure, allowing us to offer you one of the most integrated collections networks in the industry. Supported by locally-based, multilingual debt collections specialists, our on-the-ground expertise is well-placed to help you resolve disputes and achieve rapid settlement on unpaid invoices. If you’re a credit insurance policy holder, you’ll be able to access this along with our insurance services through Atradius Atrium.





Network cable Atradius Collect@Net





Using a third party collections service helps maintain the relationship a company has with its buyers.  87% of Atradius Collections customers agree that our service doesn’t harm their relationship with the debtor.

Raymond Van Der Loos
Director, Atradius Collections

How does online debt collection management work?

At its simplest level, you can use Collect@Net to submit a case of non-payment and leave it to our collections specialists to resolve for you, quickly and easily. You’ll enjoy direct communication with your Atradius Collections contact and will be able to monitor progress online.

It has 24/7 global functionality, which means you’ll be kept up-to-date on progress in real time, wherever you are in the world. This can be particularly beneficial when your debtor is located in a different time zone.

Debt collection management online: your benefits

  • Access Collect@Net in your choice of 16 languages
  • Tap into our global expertise, including sector and market expertise and knowledge of local legislation
  • Monitor individual debtors through detailed and fully-downloadable case histories
  • Simplify your credit management administration
  • Customise management information into the download format that best suits your operational needs (Word, Excel etc)
  • Create efficiencies through features such as bulk upload, which enables you to register multiple claims in one go

Ähnliche Inhalte

Debt Collections


Our experienced debt collections team, Atradius Collections, are located throughout the world to support your collection of outstanding invoices in any country, time zone, currency and language.

Credit Specialties


The Atradius Credit Specialities Unit provides tailored solutions outside the framework of our whole turnover credit insurance policies. This covers trade, trade financings and political risks.

Atradius Atrium

Atradius Atrium is your credit management hub. Through a single portal you can manage your daily policy activities, and analyse your portfolio of customers.


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